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Become a Protagonist of the ERASMUS Generation! (Be-PEG!)

ESN Italy has successfully completed the implementation of the ESAA project Be-PEG!. The project was implemented from December 2022 until May of 2023. The project developed around the objective of promoting Erasmus opportunities for young people through different activities and to increase visibility of the Erasmus opportunities among young people on local, national and international level.The project lasted for 6 months and it was implemented with the help of six local ESN sections (ESN Venezia, ESN Cagliari, ESN Siena GES, ASE ESN Verona, ESN Milano Statale,ESN Torino). After three meetings online, 6 Trainings in loco have been implemented and the 6 Erasmus in Schools promotional events organised.

Martina Pentimalli

Be-PEG! Project developed around the objective of promoting Erasmus opportunities for young people through different activities and to increase visibility of the Erasmus opportunities among young people on local, national and international level. The main idea that drove the entire project was that the project’s activities could foster intercultural understanding and strengthen the feeling among young people of belonging to Europe.

The project foresaw 3 different activities.
1. Erasmus in School: The first activity was to train local volunteers and then organise workshops for highschool students (EiS) in order to increase their knowledge about the European mobility program, promote the different offered possibilities, share their experiences and engage them in the European view and approach.
2. National Event: The second activity foresaw the organisation of National Event in the form of a conference to present the project and discuss ways of widening participation, fostering intercultural dialogue and understanding, and promoting European mobility programs and active citizenship.
3. Erasmus Generation Video: The third activity was to create an Erasmus Generation Video with testimonials of students based on the question: ”What is ERASMUS to me?” and with the purpose of promoting mobility.

The aim Be-PEG! Project was to promote the Erasmus+ Programme’s different opportunities and initiatives among High School Students and Youth between 18 and 35 years of age through the implementation of different activities such as: non-formal education training, conferences, social campaigns, events. ESN Italy volunteers were in charge of conducting the activities and spreading the Erasmus Generation voice at local, national and international level in order to reach a wider number of beneficiaries.

Total Result: 120 participants from 6 high schools in the city of the Local Sections were trained and raised their awareness on European Union, mobility opportunities, European identity.


Martina Pentimalli

Rome, Italy, 04th of October 2023

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