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2023-10-11 General News

ESAA Capacity Building Seminar Tallinn 2023

The ESAA Capacity Building Seminar took place in Tallinn, Estonia, on 7th and 8th of October 2023. It addressed the theme “Digital Communication: Social Media, Video Making and Digital Marketing”.

Farouk Kouider Moussaoui

The seminar was officially opened by the ESAA Liaison Group organising committee who welcomed the participants and gave them the floor for a brief self-introduction and for sharing their expectations for participating in the seminar.

The trainers, Luis Blasczyk and Lennart von Velsen, trained the participants by covereing the following insightful topics: overview crafting engaging content on social media, scripting successful short videos, video making and filming, editing video, and digital marketing strategies.

The participants montaged fruitful short videos to promote Erasmus+ related news and activities such as the ongoing ErasmusDays from 9 to 14 October 2023.

The seminar also included a presentation session to the ESAA member organisations: ESN, EMA, garagErasmus, and OCEANS Network presented by the ESAA liaison Group.

The seminar was closed with success and amazing memories to remember and share with peers.


Farouk Kouider Moussaoui

Algeria, Khemis-Miliana, 09th of october 2023

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