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2021-08-11 Project News

ESAA Project “After Erasmus: Put a “+” in your life and your CV”

The ESAA Project “After Erasmus: Put a “+” in your life and your CV”, implemented by Jennifer Kristen, consists of a series of workshops to help students learn how to get the most out of their period abroad once they return home

by Jennifer Kristen

This project is addressing two main problems. The first is that many students coming home after their exchange experience reverse culture shock, having difficulties to re-adapt to their life back home. They also struggle to capitalize the benefits of their experience abroad to have a positive impact on their personal and professional life. The main aim of this project is to organise workshops to help the students go through this process and learn how to get the most out of their period abroad once they return home. The second one is that, in Denmark, European organisations like ESN struggle to get native Danish speaking volunteers involved. This is a general problem in Scandinavia. The active volunteers of the European student organisations are mainly foreigners, in contrast to other countries, where their members are mostly local. The problem has increased in the last year, due to COVID 19. This project will present to the homecoming students the possibility to join European student organisations as an option to keep the connection to different cultures, be ambassadors of the Erasmus+ program and promote internationalization at home.

The positive impactsexpected from this project are focused on learning new skills and improving the current ESN network. Participants will be taught new skills that will transfer in their CV and future workplace situation. The impact will be for both personal and professional development. A major effect through the workshops will show that studying abroad has some tangible and measurable effects that sometimes people are not aware of or are not sure how to name the skill/experience they had. Another effect is that, with a better motivation and understanding of their learnings during their period abroad, the participants will promote the benefits to others, increasing the number of outgoing students. Workshops will be carried out using non-formal education methods (such as: brainstorming, group discussions, presentations, role play etc.) as well as through the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP) method.

The LSP method is an innovative process designed to enhance innovation and business performance. Based on research which shows that this kind of hands-on, minds-on learning produces a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the world and its possibilities, the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology deepens the reflection process and supports an effective dialogue – for everyone participating in the session.

Stay tuned on this interesting project on our ESAA social media channels as well as on all ESN Denmark channels!


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